Learning Restraint from Male Chastity Cages


Male chastity cages have become rather popular throughout the last few years as the lifestyle of chastity has become more and more practiced all over the world. Those people not indoctrinated in this community may not even be familiar with the term or understand what the cages are. Certainly, they will not understand the purpose of these cages, either. If someone were to explain to the uninformed that chastity cages are used to teach specific behaviors in men; that might be even more confusing. On the other hand, if the reason that these cages are used were to be explained clearly; the confusion would most likely be cleared right up.


To begin with, men tend to be rather self-centered and selfish creatures especially when it comes to sex. If you happen to find the rare male animal that puts his partner’s satisfaction before his own; then you are a lucky person indeed. However, for the most part, men need to be trained with male chastity cages in order to learn self-discipline. These cages train men in how to control random erections, which takes care of those nightclub hookups in the bathroom stalls. They also train men in not reaching an orgasm too quickly; certainly not ahead of their partners. In fact, erections are pretty difficult to happen at all when the cages are in place. Of course, that is the whole point of using them.

The way that male chastity cages work is in the bars that cover the penis. Anytime a man begins to get an erection, these little cage bars begin to dig into his penis. Most people would agree that this type of sensation will go a long way to discouraging the stiffening of the penis. It is sort of a psychological as well as physical exercise when it comes to controlling erections. Once that discomfort from the cage bars is set in the minds of the men experiencing it, they will be reminded of it each time they begin to feel an erection starting whether they are wearing the cages or not. That is where the control comes into play. Soon, the men using these cages will have complete control of when they have erections as well as when they reach orgasm.

Are Male Chastity Cages Necessary


Male chastity cages have always been a staple in the world of chastity. Granted, they do seem to speed along the process, but one cannot help but wonder if these cages are actually needed in order to indoctrinate someone successfully into the life of chastity. With all of the various methods to train someone in the chaste lifestyle, it might seem as if a true professional chastity trainer might not need cages to get the point across. Maybe the cages are a bit of overkill when you think about it. After all, if a guy is already doing everything that he is told to do, why does he even need a cage locked in place over his penis?

Professionals probably have the best answer of why male chastity cages are useful in training a man in how to live a chaste life. The real reason is most likely because a penis that is not locked away is going to be one that is constantly having random erections or experiencing orgasms when they are not supposed to be doing so. That is why the cages come in quite handy. Men may have the right idea when it comes to learning how to please before being pleased. On the other hand, those penises very often have ideas of their own. For instance, when a man spots that hot woman wearing less material than a bikini at a bar and she seems willing, he is probably going to go for it. However, if he has a cage locked around his penis, he has no choice except to behave himself.


Male chastity cages are the best way to insure that guys learn how to control the urges of their penises. They may still feel that burst of desire at inappropriate times, but with that cage in place; those desires are squelched almost instantly due to the bars of the little cage digging into the suddenly erect flesh. It offers a great deal of control and prevents men from acting on these impulses. It is especially effective when there is a punishment in place for the men who disobey the rule of the cages.

Gaining Self- Control with Male Chastity Cages


If you have been wearing your male chastity cages the way you are supposed to, then you should have close to full control over your cock by now. Although it really depends on how long you have been involved in chastity, but there is a good chance that even after a couple of weeks, you should have the control that you have been trying to gain. If you aren’t following the directions and wearing your cages like you should be, then you are probably wondering what you have been doing wrong for all this time.

Wearing male chastity cages can be quite a lot of fun if you are looking for something new to try out, but you still have to follow the directions as they are intended. After all, this isn’t something that you can slip into for an hour a week and feel like you have accomplished something great. You have to take your time and really put some effort into it in order to truly feel accomplished. If you can do this, then there is nothing in life that could possibly stop you from being happy. If you can’t maintain this level of willpower, then you are going to be missing out on all kinds of things in your life.

I followed the direction for my male chastity cages completely and, after a couple of weeks; I felt like my life had literally turned a corner for the better. I can’t really explain in detail all the things that I feel have changed since wearing my cages for the first time, but I will say that I would hate to have to go back to my old life again. I love wearing my cages as often as I can and that will never change for me. I’m sure that a lot of guys reading this know exactly what I am saying and will agree with me. For those of you who are raising your eyebrows, I suggest you take these cages for a trial run yourself.

Taking Your Time with Male Chastity Cages


I love wearing male chastity cages, but I wish someone would make a design that didn’t take so long to get my body into. Not that I am complaining or anything. Part of the fun in the beginning was taking the time to lock myself into the cage. However, now it seems like it takes too much time to really get into the thing. I want to be able to slip in and out of my cage with ease whenever I need to. Taking ten minutes to lock my cage in place has made me late on more than one occasion for something rather important.

I guess I could learn to put on my male chastity cages sooner instead of waiting for the last minute to do it. On the other hand, I could just leave the thing on all the time and not have to worry about it. However, there are times when I like having some freedom so I take the cage off and relax for a few days. It seems like about the time I am ready to put it back on, I have something to do and I always end up thinking about it at the very last moment.



Still, I wouldn’t give up anything that I have had to put myself through while wearing my male chastity cages over the years. I think my life is much better since I started wearing them and I look forward to seeing what my future might hold. I just want a design that is simple enough that I can get in and out of it without having to turn on a light. Maybe someday that will happen, but until then, I will live with this very minor issue and be glad that I live in a time where these things are so prevalent.

Male Chastity Cages are Routine Devices


Male chastity cages are devices that are never going to be matched when it comes to keeping men on that straight and narrow. You see, there are just very few items that can effectively discourage men from getting those random erections that tend to get them into so much trouble. Cages and sheaths are what work best because they literally cut off the erection in mid-rise. If the penis begins to get erect while locked in a small cage, those bars will start to dig into it and the desire will be halted. It works sort of the same with sheaths as they have little metal spikes inside that will accomplish the same effect.

The problem with male chastity cages is that they are pretty routine when it comes to living the chastity lifestyle. While they may be constructed from various materials and in different colors, they are still cages. The design cannot really be changed into anything other than what it is and this can be a little boring after a while. Granted, these little miniature cages are cute and even sexy in some ways, but there just is not going to be a new way of presenting these cages. Designers might have been trying for a while now to see what they can come up with in order to make them a slightly different. It seems that they have not yet been successful.

Of course, while male chastity cages might be dull and boring, they will always be the best device of them all regarding chastity training. Men with experience in these cages will tell you just how effective they can be. These guys have been through that special kind of pain that these cages provide. Naturally, this pain is what makes them highly effective devices. In the end, the benefits that they provide outweigh any boredom aspects. That is what makes them a great training tool that will last a lifetime.

Male Chastity Cages Addiction


Taking the leap to wear male chastity cages is something that I haven’t regretted yet. I wasn’t sure I was going to be able to live with them at first but, after a few days; it seemed like this was the exact thing I had been missing in my life. After five years of wearing them I can’t recall what it was like to not have a cage locked in place. It really is funny how the small things in life can change your attitude. I’m just thankful that my attitude was changed in a positive manner because of a small metal cage locked over my cock.

There are a lot of male chastity cages for you to choose from these days and I would take a decent amount of time looking them over if I were you. After all, this isn’t something you will want to rush into. I spent almost a month looking through as many different designs as I could find online before picking out my first cage. You may not want to wait that long to pick out yours but I would highly suggest it. This way you will know just how serious you are about wearing something of this nature all the time.


Just be aware that once you start wearing the first of your male chastity cages you are going to want to wear even more of them. I have heard people comparing it to getting a tattoo, in a manner of speaking. Once you get one tattoo, you will immediately want to get more of them as they are addicting. The chastity cage is the same way except you want to see how other designs fit and whether or not it will give you any more control over the design you are already wearing. I have spent a lot of money because of this aspect and you will too if you aren’t careful. The thing to remember above all is to take your cage commitment seriously or it is all meaningless.

Adjusting to the Fit of Male Chastity Cages


Wearing male chastity cages is all about the ability of the guy wearing them to blend into society. After all, there are only so many ways you can walk around with a cage locked over your cock before people start questioning why you are walking funny. I had to go through that a couple of times when I first started wearing my cages around outside of my home. People had no idea what was going on under my pants, but they could tell that I was doing my best to get used to the way the cage was fitting. I just had to play along with it and tell them it was an old injury acting up again.

I will say that there are some male chastity cages available on the market these days that fit perfectly fine for beginners. In fact, I just bought a new one that seems to be the best fitting design I have ever tried. I didn’t have one single moment where I was uncomfortable while wearing it and that is saying something for me. I am always uncomfortable when I first try out a new design that I am not used to wearing. But things have apparently changed since I started wearing these cages.


If you ever find yourself walking funny while wearing one of your new male chastity cages; just go with it. Don’t try to hide it in the least. People will stare at you a bit and might ask if you are doing okay. If that happens, just tell them you are fine. There is no reason to try and hide the fact that you are limping or sitting down gingerly when you have something like this on anyway. You will get used to the way it fits soon enough and they won’t notice it anymore. Just don’t go on a rampage and rip your pants off to show them why you are walking like that and you will be fine.

Collecting Male Chastity Cages


Even though there is a main purpose for male chastity cages, many men have taken up the hobby of collecting them. It might seem like an odd thing to collect, but the men that maintain these rather unique collections seem to really enjoy showing them off to visitors in their homes. Just imagine yourself attending a dinner party at someone’s home. At some point in the evening, the guests are offered a tour of the host’s home. As they are guided through the various rooms, they eventually come to a rather formal room that have glass cases standing floor to ceiling. In these cases are various items that do not seem familiar at all. Will anyone be brave enough to ask the question that everyone there is wondering?

Actually, the question may not even need to be asked. The host just might be savvy enough to see the huge question mark on all the faces of the guests and will offer the explanation that these are male chastity cages. It is also quite possible that, if the guests did not recognize what these devices are, they will have no clue as in what context they are used. The host will explain that these are used for men much in the same way that long ago medieval chastity belts were used for women. They were meant to keep these maidens chaste while their men were gone away to fight various battles.  It was discovered on more than one occasion that the fair maidens managed to get around the intent of these chastity devices. It is a little harder for men to get away with anything naughty, though.

Male chastity cages can really be an ice breaker at gatherings such as these. Many times the atmosphere is too stuffy and boring, but when the host hauls out the cages for everyone to ogle, things can liven up quite a bit. Most likely, there will be plenty of questions and the answers to those questions will probably have everyone laughing and relaxed. At the end of the evening, it might well be said that those cages made the dinner party an unqualified success.

Male Chastity Cages as a Unique Fraternity Pledge Game


Everyone who has ever attended a large university and has been a pledge for a sorority or fraternity knows how wild those tests and games can get. Have you ever thought about using male chastity cages as part of one of those tasks?  Just consider it for a second before scoffing at the idea. Think of how awful most of those pledge tasks are and you will see how perfectly that these cages can fit into the grand scheme of things. If they can make the guys do something like wearing women’s lingerie on the outside of their clothes in public or dress up like a woman including wigs and makeup, wouldn’t you think that making them wear little cages locked over their penises might be even funnier?


Now, take that idea a bit further and think about the various ways that these male chastity cages could be used. Granted, there are probably school policies that would prevent the forcing of these guys to keep their cage enclosed penises on display. However, there are always plenty of different methods to employ when you truly want to accomplish something.  There is no reason that it cannot be worn as an adornment at a frat house party. Everyone knows what goes on at those events!  These cages can even be accessorized with a dog collar and leash. The full members of the fraternity could then lead these guys around on their leashes at the party.

Something else that might be fun when using male chastity cages as a fraternity pledge item is to have the guys trotting around wearing only a cage and Gstring. These guys will be serving drinks, food or anything else that the party guests might want or need. There can even be a little phrase that the pledges are required to recite to the guests. Then use all of the pledges to perform a singing and dancing floorshow while wearing their cages. It will be a party that everyone will talk about for years to come!

Male Chastity Cages and Gaining Serenity


I have been wearing male chastity cages for a long time now, and I can’t think of how my life would be without them. I used to wonder what I was doing with my life by getting involved in something like this in the past, but all that is behind me. Those first couple of weeks were agonizing for me in ways most people just couldn’t understand. Thankfully, I was able to stick out the entire length of time and now my life is coming up roses, locked up inside a small metal cage all safe and sound.

Getting involved with male chastity cages has shown me that there is much more to life than just having sex all the time. I used to go out on the weekends with the intent of having as much sex as possible, but now, I am looking for fun and companionship. All that sex was great and everything, but the friends that I have made since wearing my cage has shown me what I had been missing out on. You wouldn’t even believe the adventures that I have been on since I started wearing my cages, even if I had pictures and video to go along with the stories.

I love my male chastity cages and I think any guy that is looking to change things up in his life should give them a try. You never realize just how many things pass you by until you are able to stop for a minute and reflect on your own life. These cages have given me the opportunity to do just that and I am ever grateful to the designers for providing me with that opportunity. I just have to figure out what new designs I am going to be wearing so that I can live a long and happy life with my cage.