The Effectiveness of Male Chastity Cages


Members of the chastity community are quite familiar with male chastity cages and what they are supposed to accomplish for the men that are wearing them. If you happen to be one of those people that are not in the know on how these cages operate, the explanation is actually rather simple. The chastity cages are worn over the mens penises. This is meant to keep away those pesky random and inappropriate erections.  You see, the cages are locked in place over the penises and the keys are turned over to someone known as the Key Holder. The only time that the men are allowed to unlock their cages is when they have been very good boys and have behaved themselves.

Another thing that male chastity cages accomplish is teaching men in how to control their speed of orgasms. A huge percentage of men have what is known as a quick trigger when it comes to reaching an orgasm. Many guys try such things as cream or spray that will “numb” their penises to a degree, which will cut back on the sensitivity. This allows them to control their orgasms to a degree. The only problem about this is that sometimes it is too numb and their erections may be only semi-hard. That can be a bit discouraging for both partners.

That is why male chastity cages are so much better. When men cannot get erections within those little cages, they are learning how to make their own decisions as to the timing. In other words, when they have had enough training while wearing the cages, they will be able to decide when and where they are going to get erections. This will also help them to control when their orgasms will occur. It becomes a lot more fun for the men as well as their partners once full control is accomplished. It seems as if it might be worth it to endure the mild discomfort of these cages for a little while when there is so much to be gained in the end.


Finding Variety in Male Chastity Cages


A lot of male chastity cages on the market are different versions of the same old design. There is nothing wrong with that, mind you; I like the variety that is up for offer, if nothing else. But there are some designs that I notice have gone far beyond what an ordinary chastity device was meant to be. I think the reason behind these little innovations is the fact that more and more guys are looking to get involved in chastity, for whatever reasons. When you have more guys looking for something different, there becomes a surge in creativity and that surge is happening at just the right time for me.

I have been wearing the same basic male chastity devices for a long time now and being able to find something new to try has been great. I no longer feel that I am just a guy in a cage anymore. Instead, I feel like a guy that has something to prove to himself and the world in general. There aren’t too many things out there that give me that kind of feeling anymore, but I can always count on the latest in chastity designs.


Even if you are new to male chastity cages, you will be able to find something that you will enjoy playing with. Of course you have to understand that just because they might be different colors it doesn’t necessarily mean that it is an altogether different design. Once you figure that little trick out, you can breeze through those sites online and pick out the designs that you truly want to try. Then you can worry about which colors you feel like wearing. I just can’t wait to see what the next generation of chastity devices has in store for guys all over the world. I am sure that I will be more than happy to try as many of them out as I possibly can.

Male Chastity Cages Designs for Every Man


Most of the male chastity cages that I have tried over the years are rather common designs meant to give me control without showing everyone around me that I have a metal cage over my cock. I like the way the lower profile cages fit, especially when I wear them to work or out for a night on the town. However, there are some designs that are a bit more aggressive in nature that I have tried at home that are quite interesting. I would highly recommend using them if you haven’t tried them already.


If you are getting into male chastity cages for the first time, I suggest that you stay away from the hardcore versions that are available for a while, though. Stick with the ones that are easy for you to get comfortable in before you end up getting into something that bores you after only a short amount of time. I almost lost interest in wearing these cages when I tried out my first extreme model so I know what I am talking about. It was so difficult to keep hidden and enjoy out in public that I almost ended my tryst with male chastity right there and then.

The main thing you have to understand is that these male chastity cages you are looking at are for you to enjoy. I know it seems difficult to enjoy something that you are using to lock your cock into and keep it from getting an erection, but there is plenty of pleasure you can gain from doing just that. You aren’t wearing this to impress anyone and, even if you were, it is still your right to choose the designs you are going to wear. Just make sure you are ready for whatever design you pick out and always remember that you are going to be the one that is going to end up being locked inside of it.

Are You Ready to Be in Charge of Your Male Chastity Cages?


One of the rules to wearing male chastity cages is that the keys are turned over to someone who has been designated as the Key Holder. This person can be a Mistress, Master or a partner. The point is that the men wearing the cages are usually not allowed to keep control of their keys. Typically, it is because they will be sorely tempted to unlock the cage when it becomes uncomfortable or they simply want to be able to get an erection. However, that’s the whole point of these devices; to keep away those random erections. How effective would they be if the men were allowed to be in charge of the keys? Most likely, not very.


Nothing works better than male chastity cages when it comes to keep those pesky erections at bay but that is only true when someone else is in charge of holding the key. On the other hand, there are some situations that might just require the man wearing the cage to also be in charge of the key to it. Men who do not have a partner who can be the Key Holder or are not involved with a Mistress or Master are going to be forced to find other solutions to this dilemma. Many of the men in this group manage to fight off the urge to unlock their cages at random and they do it rather easily.

If you happen to be a part of the men that have no one to hold the keys to their male chastity cages, you will have to learn restraint and self-discipline. Obviously, you will have to be your own Key Holder and you can do just that. There are safes that you can buy that can be set on a timer which allows you to stay on a schedule of sorts as to when your cage can be released.  These work out quite nicely unless you can develop the will to control whipping out that key anytime you want. That is also true if you really want the cage to do its job.

Choosing the Best Male Chastity Cages


A key part of becoming a member of the chastity community is in the selection of the best male chastity cages for you. While it really isn’t a complicated process, it can be rather frustrating when it comes to deciding exactly what cage to begin with as well as which one to move forward with after that. Once you begin shopping around, you will quickly see that there are quite a few different cages to choose from and many of them will seem to be perfect for you. On the other hand, there will also be plenty of cages that you might just cringe at the thought of using. The most difficult part of it all might just be reconciling your desires with what will work best for you.

One of the most popular styles of male chastity cages involves a miniature cage design that slips right over your penis and is then locked in place. The size of the cages is very important when it comes to getting it right. A cage that turns out to be too small will hurt you in ways best not even thought about. Of course, a cage that is too big is going to be a waste of money because it will simply fall off of your penis and it will do nothing to deter an unwanted or random erection. This is true even if you choose the miniature cage design.


Other popular types of male chastity cages include a sheath style that fits like a sleeve over your penis. Some of these designs have little spikes built into the inside that go a long way to discouraging an erection that is not supposed to be happening. Granted, these are not exactly cages, but they have been known to be highly effective in helping you control when you get an erection. When you think about it, having the sensation of little needle like spikes digging into your penis the harder it gets will make it go down in an instant. Unless, of course, you happen to like the feeling of intense pain. In that case, you will probably want to return to the cage design.

The Beauty of Male Chastity Cages


I knew nothing about male chastity cages until I hooked up with my current boyfriend. In fact, I wasn’t even aware of most of the fetishes and different lifestyles that are out there these days until the two of us met. He has really opened my eyes to the world around me and I am happier in my life because of it. Although, when he first told me about wearing one of these cages, I thought he was a nut job. Who in his right mind would force his cock into a small cage to refrain from getting an erection for long periods of time anyway?

As it turns out using these male chastity cages has actually brought our relationship even closer together than you would ever think. I was under the impression that not getting an erection would ruin any kind of sexual aspects of our relationship, but he has shown me that that isn’t true. If anything, our sex life is much more robust than it would have been if he wasn’t wearing one of those cages. At least it has been better than any other relationship I have ever been in, and that is saying a lot.

We have been together for a few years now and I don’t think I could go back to living my life before male chastity cages were brought into it. The thought of living such a life seems like a dream to me that I had finally woke up from and am happy for it. Although I am not the one wearing the cage, I still think that this has a great deal of promise for any couple that might be interested. My boyfriend has repeatedly tried to get me into one of his cages, but I am not ready for something like that although I am sure that one day I will give it a shot just to see what it is all about. After all, it’s only fair to give him a chance at being on the other end of things.


Male Chastity Cages and the Right to Wear Them


Recently, I discovered a site that offers glass male chastity cages for men. I never would have thought that wearing a glass cage would be all that comfortable, although I guess I can understand the comfort aspect. After all, they do make glass dildos and other such things, which are supposed to be the best choice for fun. But I think it would be really dangerous to be wearing a glass cage if something were to happen to it. Not that I get kicked in the crotch all that often, but if it did happen and the cage broke; I would think that it would be rather painful. Explaining that in a hospital emergency room would not be the highlight of my life.

I guess the glass male chastity cages would be good to use in the bedroom for training or something and not worn out in public. At least I don’t think I could wear one like this out in public. I would be horrified that something would happen to it, and I am sure that everyone around me would pick up on my stress. I would be constantly holding my hands over the cage in the hopes that anything that might start flying toward my crotch would be intercepted by my hands.


Maybe I should stick with the traditional metal or plastic male chastity cages for now. I like the feeling of the cold metal against my cock anyway, and I know that it isn’t going to break if something bad were to happen. I will admit that any guy that would wear a glass cage in public is far manlier than I am at this point in my life. To each his own, I guess. If anyone out there loves wearing a glass cage, then I say more power to them. As long as you are happy with what you are wearing when it comes to chastity, then the better adjusted you are.

Male Chastity Cages and Matching Swimwear


Some of the most interesting male chastity cages I have found came from a site that was selling swimwear. Apparently, they do a lot of business with guys that are wearing these devices. That led to them deciding that creating swimwear to go along with them was the perfect thing to do. I have to admit I was cautious about the whole swimwear for cages aspect, but it turns out that these designs are great for wearing your chastity device with. I get to go out to the beach in my chastity cage and still show off my body. Now, how great is that?

I would never have gone out to the beach wearing any of my male chastity cages in the past because of the fact that my swimwear couldn’t cover up the fact that I was wearing a cage in the first place. I tried slipping into my swimwear with my cage on for the first time and it was extremely noticeable that I was wearing one. Even someone that had never seen a chastity cage before would have recognized what I was wearing under that swimsuit. But these new suits take all of that into account and form around it without showing off too much of the locking mechanism.

To say I was excited about finally being able to wear my male chastity cages to the beach is an understatement. I always had to plan my beach outings during the times when I wasn’t wearing my cage and now I don’t have to do that. Of course, it usually tried to rain or something when I wasn’t wearing my cage. But now I can go out at any time I want to and have some fun in the sun. It is absolutely amazing the types of things I get to do now while wearing my chastity cages. I highly recommend them to all men with chastity cages.

Male Chastity Cages for Erection Control


Like most other guys that have gotten involved in wearing male chastity cages, I was looking for something to control my erections. My cock seems to have a mind of its own most of the time and I would get an erection for no reason at all. I was standing in a checkout line at the grocery store and got an erection while pulling money out of my pocket. That was one of the most embarrassing moments in my life, especially when you consider my cock is almost nine inches and an erection in slacks is rather noticeable with something that big.

I had no idea what I was going to do and even went as far as trying to tape it to my leg with athletic tape. I know now that using male chastity cages is a much safer and more comfortable option when it comes to controlling my cock. However, at the time; it seemed like the only thing I could do in order to take back some kind of control in my life. I had no idea anything like this existed until I spoke with my doctor about it in the hopes of getting some kind of medication for my issues.

He told me that male chastity cages were a great way of taking back control and training my cock to stand down. He said that I could wear one of these cages for a while and my body would get used to having it on. Then I could take it off and my body would still assume that I had it. After wearing it for almost two months straight, I can say that it has worked for me although when I don’t have it on for a while; I will get a partial erection. Kind of like my cock testing the waters to see if there are any sharks swimming around, I guess. All I have to do when that happens, though, is put it back on for a while to get control once more.

Public Male Chastity Cages in Public


I love wearing male chastity cages but my boss thinks I have lost my mind somehow. He doesn’t know that I have a cage on under my clothes although he has seen me sitting differently because of it. At first, he didn’t say anything to me and just let it go. Recently, though, he has been making comments about the way I have been sitting in business meetings. I want to tell him that you can only find so many comfortable positions when your cock is locked inside a small cage, but I don’t think that will go over all that well with him.

Being able to wear male chastity cages in public is something that I have always enjoyed. It is like bringing a whole new high to this wonderful fetish of mine. I don’t think I could walk around in nothing except my cage in public. On the other hand, having it on under my clothes is almost like the same thing in my mind. I am strutting around with a cage on my cock and, if someone actually looked hard enough, they could probably tell that. It’s almost like I am getting away with something very kinky in front of complete strangers somehow.


I will admit that when I started wearing male chastity cages I wasn’t too sure about taking them out in public. I was afraid that someone would find out and start teasing me for some reason. But once I finally gained enough courage to try it out, I saw that no one even paid any attention to my crotch. I can go just about anywhere I want with my cage in place and people just look at me and smile. I know they wouldn’t be smiling if they knew what was going on under my pants, but what they don’t know isn’t going to hurt me at all. I can just smile at my secret.