Wearing Male Chastity Cages For Long Periods Of Time


Not everyone is capable of wearing male chastity cages all the time like I am. I know there are some guys out there that will tell everyone that they wouldn’t have any problems with wearing something like this for days on end. But what they don’t seem to understand is that it takes more than their bravado to wear a cage for months at a time without taking it off. I have made this attempt at least three times in the past and couldn’t get past two weeks before I had to take mine off for a small period of time.

Once you have determined that wearing male chastity cages for longer periods of time is something that you want to try you will find out just how important your resolve is. My will power for wearing something like this was high at the time but after a couple of weeks it dwindled to nothing. I felt like I had let myself down whenever I unlocked my cage and took it off. But I always told myself that I would be putting it right back on again as soon as I could. After three tries I finally made it to my first month and was super excited.

Now I wear my male chastity cages for up to three months at a time and I know that I can go longer than that. I only take my cages off after a month to make sure they are cleaned and then put them right back on. Now I don’t suggest first time wearers try to do this but after you have given yourself some time to get used to your cage I don’t see why you couldn’t attempt it. Just remember that it is a lot harder to wear something like this than you might think it is.

Wearing Male Chastity Cages


Wearing male chastity cages is not such a big deal after the first couple of days. In fact, if you give it about a week; you won’t even realize that you have one on anymore. The hard part about these cages is finding the one that you want to wear. By it being hard, I don’t mean that it is hard to find these types of items as the internet is full of them. What I mean is that you will spend way too much time looking through all of the designs before finding the one that you are absolutely happy with. I know this because it took me two weeks before I was able to find the one I have on now.

There are so many different kinds of male chastity cages available on the market that you will just about lose your mind going through them all. I found myself going back to numerous designs thinking that that was the one I wanted to wear only to find another one later on that I liked a little bit more. You cannot be impatient with something like this as it is a lifelong choice that you get to live with when you think about it. Well, it might not be life-long like getting a tattoo or something; but you get the point.

Wearing male chastity cages is something that you are going to have to want to do in order to feel comfortable with them. However, once you start wearing one of these devices; you will not want to stop, either. It is nice having so many options available so that I can change what I am wearing to match the mood that I am feeling, On the other hand, it is also extremely annoying when you see so many that you like and can only buy one. Of course I am happy that I decided to go through this process and I will be wearing my cages for a very long time. If you give it a try, it might make you feel the exact same way.

My Big Mistake with Male Chastity Cages


Male chastity cages have to be some of the most insane inventions ever created. Granted, these cages have a very important purpose and much gratitude is given to the designers who thought of these useful devices. They are basically just as their name implies. Different types of material such as metals and leather are used to fashion miniature cages. These cages come equipped with little locks. These little locks come with tiny keys that are used to lock around the penis. Once the cage is locked in place, the key is taken over by the Key Holder, who will continue to keep the key until the decision is made to reward the man wearing the cage.

When I decided to look into the chastity lifestyle, I had no idea what male chastity cages were. I had heard the term tossed around in certain company but no one had bothered to launch into any explanations as to what these cages were and why they were needed. Of course, I felt too stupid to jump in with my own questions so I just continued to wonder about them as I started to travel my path to chastity. That was one of the biggest mistakes that I made during this entire journey. If I had only taken the time or had the courage to ask what these items were used for, I would have saved myself a lot of heartache.


I had the extreme pleasure of training under a gorgeous, dominant and very strong woman for chastity. She even allowed me to choose my own male chastity cages. What neither of us discussed was the fact that these cages must be the correct size in order for them to work. Not armed with this knowledge, I chose one that I just thought looked so very cool. When I got home and decided to try it on just to see how it all worked, I found that it was a little difficult to fit over my cock. Finally, I did get it on and found it to be more than a little stimulating and my penis reacted in kind. That is when the trouble started. I got an erection and the cage remained in place. I tried everything and nothing worked. After a little while, my penis started to turn an unhealthy purplish color. That is when I gave in and called my trainer. She actually raced right over and helped me out of my situation. Then we sat down and had a nice long talk. Yes, I learned quite a lesson that night.


The Accomplishments of Male Chastity Cages


The main point behind male chastity cages is to teach the men wearing them that they are the play toys of their Key Holders. Actually, it is the man’s penis that is the toy of the Key Holder. This is made quite clear to him from the very beginning with just the simple act of locking the cage around his penis. When this act occurs, the man understands that he is owned by his Key Holder. If and when his cage is unlocked, he is allowed to ejaculate at the whim of his Key Holder. He understands that he must spend all of his waking moments being obedient and willing to please his Key Holder and locking that cage around his penis is a guaranteed way of making that point.

Obviously, male chastity cages do not work overnight in magically changing a man’s personality. While it may rarely work that way for some men; it usually takes a little longer for those changes to take place. In spite of this, however, there had to be a subconscious desire to be the one man who makes his Key Holder the happiest of all people by doing what is commanded of him. Besides, if he can meet all of his or her requirements and please her by taking care of all of desires made known to him; he might just be rewarded. His most coveted reward is usually that of being allowed some type of sexual release.

There is also the fact that men locked into male chastity cages have some time to think about something that they have done wrong. These “sins” can be anything from cheating to some secret type of masturbation. At any rate, the cages will make the point that these things were wrong and have upset the Key Holder. When men surrender their penises in this way, they are proving their devotion and showing their desire to earn forgiveness for what they have done wrong. The point is that the Key Holder’s forgiveness is shown to her charge by unlocking the cage at some time and allowing him to escape his trap for a little while. The Key Holder might even allow him to gain sexual release if she is feeling quite generous.

Wearing Male chastity cages under your pants.


I have been actively practicing male chastity for over five years and I wear one of my many male chastity cages all the time that is unless my wife decides she wants to have sex and frees me from my bondage. I prefer metal male chastity cages for a number of reasons. Stainless steel cock cages are easy to clean, they are available in many sizes, I tend to skew towards the very small cock cages, I think metal male chastity cages are much more stylish and most importantly many of the metal designs are the most secure form of caging a penis so it is not used without permission. I have been wearing cock cages so long that I tend to forget that men new to the lifestyle have questions that I would never even think about. The one I receive most often is can you wear a male chastity cage with pants. My answer is always the same: yes you can wear it with pants unless you prefer to wear one with a dress. That gets most men and women to laugh but the fact remains that many men think cock cages are just for sexual pleasure and play which is far from the truth. There are more men then you might guess all over the world either being forced life myself into wearing a cock cage, others that choose to wear one to enhance their sexual pleasure when released from their cage and still others that wear cock cages because they are no longer interested in sex.


Angry_ Cock_Cage_02


Understanding Male Chastity Cages


Male chastity cages sound pretty confusing to people who are not in on the secret of the chastity community. In fact, it might make more sense to explain what chastity is before tackling the definition and purpose of the cages. Now, chastity is defined as the practice of refraining from all sexual intercourse. To add to that in the chastity community, it should be mentioned that sex can be had but only at the permission of the Key Holder in the relationship. So in the literal sense of the word, male chastity is a bit different from the meaning of chastity.


In a chastity lifestyle, there is actually plenty of sexual activity going on between the couples involved. The difference is that the Key Holder of the male chastity cages is the person who decides when those times will happen. Now to get to what these cages are, they are exactly what they sound like. They are miniature cages that are made to fit over a man’s penis. There is a lock and key that allows the cage to be fastened and unfastened at the discretion of the Key Holder. For sanitation reasons, the cages are allowed off at various times so that both the penis and the cage can be properly cleaned to avoid infection of any sort.

To get to the actual function of male chastity cages, it will help you to understand it better since you know more about chastity. When a cage fits properly over the penis, there will be no random erections, which will keep the men out of trouble when they are allowed to go spend a night out on the town. If an erection does begin to happen, the cage will make it so uncomfortable that the excitement will disappear pretty quickly. When you follow your Key Holder’s instructions and meet his or her demands; you will be rewarded in ways that will make all of your dreams come true.

Metal male chastity cages



Call me old fashioned but if I am shopping for male chastity cages I want them to be metal and able to last for years. I like the feel of having my penis locked away in a metal cage with my keyholder controlling when to set it free, let it get hard and even when it is touched. I find that metal male chastity cages work best. Most of the designs are much harder to purposely remove and escape from when passions run high. Having my penis covered in metal keeps me from playing with it, having someone else play with it or even see it. The only thing exposed are my balls and I never play with them because it can be painful to get aroused wearing a cock cage. I know there are many nice plastic male chastity cages and it is a very personal choice that most keyholders make for their slaves. I also understand that many men and women play with cock cages for sexual adventures. I get it. The Fifty Shades of Grey thing. Nothing is out of bounds between consenting adults hell it even seems like fisting is mainstream. That said I am going to stick with metal. There is nothing like the feel of a new stainless steel cock cage being fitted on for the first time.



What’s Up with Male Chastity Cages?



A lot of guys who think that they want to live their lives as a chaste male have no clue what male chastity cages are. Many of them believe that all they have to do is find a dominant partner and say “Yes, Dear” to whatever that partner wants them to do. Imagine their surprise when they find out that there is so much more to this than saying those words and agreeing to do anything asked of them. These men may be quite shocked that there is another aspect to being chaste that they never knew existed. If they had known, they may not have been so eager to enter the chastity community. Instead, they would have been running in the opposite direction screaming like little girls.

On the other hand, using male chastity cages can easily be one of the most exciting aspects of living the life of a chaste man. They offer the control over such things as those pesky random erections that plague the lives of men who are not living in a chaste manner. Cages are simply what they sound like. They are miniature cages that are usually made of some sort of metal that fit right over a man’s penis. There is also a small lock on the cage so that it can be locked in place. The key is turned over to the dominant partner or Key Holder for safe keeping. These cages can only be unlocked when the Key Holder has granted permission.


Male chastity cages keep men in line when they are in a chaste lifestyle. Obviously, the size must be the correct one for it to work as it is meant. Cages that are too small can cause some serious physical damage that no man would want to have while cages that are too big a size will simply fall right off. If that does not happen, it will, at the very least, allow an erection to occur with no consequences. That is why size is very important with these cages. When everything is right, nothing is more effective in training and keeping a guy on the straight and narrow than these cages. They work every single time.

Collecting Male Chastity Cages


Male chastity cages are items that have a very specific purpose. This purpose is to help keep men on the right track when they have entered into a chaste contract. They are miniature cages that fit right over the penis and are then locked into place. It is the most often used device when it comes to chastity training because it is very effective in making these submissive guys behave themselves and push away all thoughts of those pesky random erections. If you have any questions about how well these cages work in keep submissives in their places, all you have to do is try one out for yourself. See how quickly you feel like getting an erection with that cage on you and you will completely understand.

The other thing about male chastity cages is that they are rather fun to collect. This is an activity or hobby that various people have begun undertaking in recent years. You know that anything can be turned into a collection if there is sufficient interest. Chastity cages have become quite interesting over time and even more recently as more people are interested in the chastity lifestyle. They are created from different types of metal as well as leather and other kinds of material. This helps the cages to be even more exciting and interesting than they have ever been. It may very well be that this is what has drawn the attention of collectors to something as unique as chastity cages.

Both men and women have begun collecting male chastity cages and are rather proud of them. They love it when guests see these cages and want to know more about them. It gives them an excuse to show off their collections and to offer some history behind the cages and what they mean. To those people that are not familiar with chastity cages find them to be both fascinating and naughty. It really is something that cannot be understood unless it is explained. Once that information is out there, though, it does tend to tweak the interest of the newly informed. Collections can accomplish this very quickly.

Holiday Decorations for Your Male Chastity Cages


Something that is a bit quirky for the holidays that Key Holders might decide to do for their submissives is to decorate their male chastity cages. This is directed at the Key Holders primarily because the submissives are not going to be allowed to take it upon themselves to decorate their cages. For one thing, they would need to obtain permission for their cages to be decorated and that permission might be hard to get. On the other hand, the Key Holders might just allow this decoration project to happen as long as the submissives are decorating as they are instructed. However, once the process gets under way and is understood by everyone; it is something that can be done for all holidays and/or special occasions.


To begin with, it can be rather simple to decorate male chastity cages in the theme of Thanksgiving and Christmas. Cutout turkeys can be created and attached to the cages in a cute and festive manner. Christmas can bring all sorts of new ideas. Tiny little ornaments, much like charms that are bought for bracelets and necklaces, can be hung from the bars of the cages. Some careful planning might even allow some tiny twinkling lights to be attached to the cages. Just imagine how that would look especially in the dark. Halloween can have witches, ghosts, goblins and all sorts of other little homemade creatures can be added to make those cages a little mysterious and spooky.

It is very possible that there are some Key Holders in the world that might have already begun the practice of adorning the male chastity cages of their submissives. Those are some very imaginative and creative Key Holders, too. What is even more fun to add to this process is to instruct the submissives to show off their new decorated cages. This can be done at private parties given by the Key Holders or simply at home when guests arrive. Of course, the guests will need to know ahead of time that the submissive does, indeed, wear a chastity cage and what that lifestyle is all about. Otherwise, they will be rather shocked when a fully naked man with tiny twinkling lights adorning his penis answers the door.