The Variety of Male Chastity Cages


Looking at the different male chastity cages that are available online, I have noticed that the basic principal in the designs are the same. They may change materials or styles, but the aspect of having some kind of a cage aspect still remains. Of course you will have some that are cylindrical tubes with holes in the end to really keep you in check but those are for extreme chastity users. I like the fact that the designs aren’t overly changing in functionality all the time. If I am going to be wearing something like this for long periods of time; I don’t want to have to worry about new designs coming out too often.

Now I have noticed that there are some really advanced male chastity cages that are making the rounds lately. Some of these things look a lot more painful to wear than I would like to try personally. I can understand some guys wanting to branch out a bit, but I’m not one of them. I like the more traditional aspect of chastity and will stick to that. But I also like to look at these other advanced designs and imagine what it would be like to give them a try.

If you are new to wearing male chastity cages, you will want to stay away from the more advanced options. I’m not saying that you won’t enjoy them, but they can be rather tricky to get used to. I know I couldn’t get used to wearing some of those designs on a regular basis. But feel free to try them out when you think you are ready for them. Just make sure you have your key holder there with you when you do in case something goes wrong. After all You don’t want to get stuck in something that has inverted teeth poking into your cock.